You Find Yourself At Your Boyfriend's Apartment Without Make Up Remover...
Not recommended, but definitely not avoidable. I spent this past weekend in Brooklyn, and realized at 11 PM Halloween night that I'd forgotten one thing: make up remover.
That little bottle that is more important than it seems. I end up rubbing my eyes more when I'm tired and one way or another, a mascara-coated eyelash lands in my eye if I do not remove the mascara before sleeping. By 10 PM every night I want the make up off!
My boyfriend had very little food in his apartment, but among a few other choice products sat a bottle of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, which worked even better than my normal make up remover. I soaked my hands with water, then spilled a couple drops of olive oil onto my fingertips. I woke up the next morning with very little (...but still some) darkness under my eyes.
Word to the Wise: do not open eyes when putting olive oil on them. Just a tip.
You Find Yourself (Again.) At Your Boyfriend's Apartment, With No Face Wash...
So...this (thank the Lord) did not occur on the same trip as the aforementioned missing make up remover, however, it sucked. I'd first suggest rummaging through the medicine cabinet for any feminine face product, but if there is no such luck, squeeze some lemon into a bowl, accompanied by a drop of honey and sea salt (add coconut oil if available) and stir. I use this on the daily now. It really makes my skin glow. It's also cheaper than any store-bought product.
image from: http://art--life.tumblr.com/