Nestled where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Long Island Sound is a small fishing village with stone sidewalks and colonial architecture with the power to charm any lonely fisherman inland from the sea: Stonington, Connecticut.
I normally have the urge to adventure, but this month after a few things occurred, my need to travel and wander was increased (if that's possible). I escaped to Stonington for a couple of nights and worked from a patio overlooking the water.

I have visited this little seaside town since I was a little girl (my dad owned the yellow building pictured for a while and I have previously written a post about Noah's Restaurant - also in Stonington) and nothing rivals the feeling of being back in a place that feels like home. The town was settled in 1649 and still bears semblance of its Revolutionary era history. Canons mark where the colonists fought off British troops in the War of 1812 and stone walls line the periphery of the town, where the homes kiss the sea. At night, it is easy to forget that we are in the 21st century. Locals mill about the streets, laughing and chatting softly amidst the salty breeze. This past week when I stayed there, the moon was almost full and the stars shone brightly in the night sky. Walking along those quiet, little lanes at night I almost forgot the technological-bound world in which we live in the best way.