It can be difficult to find real balance or harmony in a society where priorities are not necessarily aligned with well-being or operating at one's highest potential. I often hear others complain about a situation relating to imbalance, though many resentfully accept where they are, too complacent or overworked to evoke a meaningful lifestyle change. I have experienced this before myself and now know that when I feel that nagging feeling of unrest, it is time to take action and invoke change. An imbalanced lifestyle can create a space for sickness - a quick cold, the flu, or even more debilitating states.
A few weeks ago, I felt the onset of a cold. It came after feeling run down for a few weeks - both physically and emotionally. Rather than tackling both of these issues head on, I was too overwhelmed to act timely. I settled into them and got sick and along with the cold, came some negativity. I felt the urge to complain - which is not very typical. I turned to meditation and Oprah's Super Soul Sunday for a pick me up. It became apparent that I was not validating my worth. In allowing myself to be run down physically, and spiral into negative thinking, I was ignoring my innate worth as a human being to be well treated. I changed my thought patterning and reprioritized what was important (ie. health is more important than work, socializing, etc.) and suddenly I felt better. And it was like I'd never been sick at all. I am by no means an expert, but I've witnessed these pillars in action and intellectually they make sense. Getting sick is a warning for me to listen to my body more closely - to ask for grace and calm. It is all knowing and just as I needed it, pulled me back into a slower pace, a safer and healthier rhythm.